ویژگی های متکلم بلیغ براساس دیدگاه‌های بلاغیون از آغاز تا امروز

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه اصفهان، اصفهان، ایران


بلاغیون و منتقدان ادبی پیش از عبدالقاهرجرجانی دربارة اصطلاح «بلاغت» کلیاتی را بیان‌ کرده ­اند، اما در هیچ‌یک از آثارشان به طور روشن و دقیق دربارة حد و مرز بلاغت کلام یا متکلم بلیغ سخن نگفته­اند. تنها در کتاب‌های بلاغی پس از جرجانی کوشش‌ شده‌ است معیارهایی برای کلام بلیغ مشخص شود. در این تألیفات که بیشتر رویکردی سلبی به شرایط فصیح و بلیغ بودن کلمه و کلام دارند، کلمه و کلامی فصیح دانسته‌ شده‌ است که از عیوب خاصی مبرا باشد؛ اما دربارة متکلم بلیغ بجز یک سخن مبهم و کلی مطلبی نیامده‌ است. در این پژوهش سعی‌ شده‌ است براساس دیدگاه‌های صاحب­نظران بلاغت، از آغاز تا امروز، آنچه به طور پراکنده و غیرمنسجم دربارة متکلم بلیغ آمده‌ است بررسی و نقد شود و سرانجام دیدگاه منسجمی به دست آید و ضمن بیان شرایطی برای بلیغ­بودن متکلم، تعریفی برای آن ارائه شود. برمبنای دیدگاه‌های نقل­‌‌شده‌ در این پژوهش و با تأمل در تعاریف بلاغت، متکلمی بلیغ‌ است که ضمن توانابودن بر ساخت کلامی فصیح، ویژگی­های کلام، ویژگی­های اقسام مخاطب و شرایط بافت ­موقعیتی را بداند و بشناسد و کلام خویش را مطابق با ‌اقتضای حال آنها تنظیم­ کند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Features of eloquent speaker based on rhetoric attitudes from the beginning to the present

نویسنده [English]

  • Mahboobeh Hemmatian
Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
چکیده [English]

Before Abdolghaher Jorjani, “rhetoric” term has been expressed in rhetorical books and literary criticism but the limits of eloquence or eloquent speaker have not been explained. In the works after Jorjani, they have considered a word or words eloquent that they have no particular imperfections; but they have not explained about the eloquent speaker except a vague and general statement. In this research, the presented subjects  from the point of view of the rhetorical scholars, from the beginning until now, that were incommensurably given about the eloquent speaker was studied, criticized and compared; finally in addition to state the conditions for speaker to be eloquent, a definition has been presented for it. By considering the views of early thinkers and the scholars before Jorjani, it shows that based on the given definitions for rhetoric, the speaker should have the following characteristics to be considered eloquent:
 - To be brave and to have peace of mind
- To speak according to the condition requirement of the speaker
- To consider the condition requirement of the audience
- To select the right words
- To avoid abstruseness and indulge in speech
Based on what is said about the criteria of rhetoric and eloquence in rhetorical books after Jarjani by Meftah al-olum Sakaki and his commentators and followers to contemporaries is an eloquent word or  speech that is free from certain imperfections and the eloquent speaker must be able to create a speech by using such words that are free from imperfections. Considering the abovementioned criteria in the views of the first rhetorical thinkers and jorjani and according to the messengers’ criteria after Jorjani for rhetoric and eloquence it seems that the speaker who both has a personality-specific character and has a complete knowledge about speech, audience, and context and uses the following features in his own words is eloquent:
- The bravery of the speaker and having peace of mind
- Understanding the word or speech style
- Recognizing the audience (recognition of the circumstances and characteristics of the types of audience)
- Recognition of the situational context or current context (recognition of the characteristics of time, place, environment _ social, political, cultural)
Therefore, based on the views of the scholars about the concept of rhetoric and considering the definitions of rhetoric, the speaker who knows the conditions of creating word is eloquent and he must create an eloquent speech that is correspondence to all requirements affecting the process of making speech; that is he must be aware of the features of speech, the characteristics of the types of audience and the conditions of the situational context and set his own word in accordance with their current requirements.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Rhetoric
  • Speaker
  • Speech
  • Audience
  • Situational Context
  • Condition requirement
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